Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Pikes Peak Qualifying

Andrew Hawkeswood qualifying day 2 pikes peak.


With only a few weeks to go until the Nelson Rally its time for all you rally drivers to dust off your cars and bring them here for a full service. We have a number of cars being prepared for this event, some include Garry Adcocks Ford Escort, Chris Barnetts Mazda RX7, Ben Hunts Ford Fiesta (minor panel damage)

20% discount on pre rally checks > offer valid until 31 July.

This picture is of Chris Barnetts RX7 undergoing a noise test > part of the certification process to get WOF.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Ford Escorts.... Check this out!

For all the classic car lovers out there. I was going through some old photos in the weekend and look what I found. Images like this are harder and harder to come by these days. Garry took this picture about 9 years ago, yes they are all his and yes it was in our back yard (our previous property) And NO they are not for sale, sorry to be a tease....

I just love how he thought they would make a good picture, a bit like mums taking photos of the children! lol.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Simple Pleasures

Ain't life great when you can tie some string to a recycled supermarket bag and call it a kite. A good way of tiring the kids out on a cold winter afternoon.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Rakes, Rakes and More Rakes...

We have been building concrete rake heads for about 3 years now. These are rake heads (minus the handle) that you use to spread out concrete etc. We were approached by Concrete Plus to make them for their franchise and we now also make and supply them to Concrete Tools.
Here is Matt nickname "Floor" welding together our last order, 180 or more. Kept him out of trouble for a couple of days.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Weekend Adventures

With rain forecast, we thought no better time like now for a bit of 4x4. Our boys love it, the mud, the river crossings, the adventure! Its great family time and a great winter activity for us all to enjoy. A quick meeting with our travelling companions (always pays to go in two's or more) to plan food, accommodiation and route. We set off on Sunday morning and travelled via Tophouse to the Leatham. Stopping at the Argyle Dam, still raining... to take some snapshots and onto our 1st river crossing. We checked out 3 DOC huts before making fire and getting out the sleeping bags. 6 beds and 9 people, hence there was a bit of top & tailing!
More Rain... It rained ALL night and in the morning the rivers were raging torrents. Wern't we lucky that the hut we chose wasn't above the major river crossings as we would have been stuck in there. It was a cosy time for all and we even managed to stay dry! Good fun and great company.