Friday, August 27, 2010

On Display

This was a great opportunity to showcase a 1974 MK1 Escort RS 2000 Replica.

We had this car on display at the entrance to the super special stage at the Richmond Showgrounds.

Many of the rally spectators got to see it up close and took the opportunity to talk with us about our work, from rust repairs, building a rollcage to building up a performance car.

It was great to meet all those that stopped to chat and tell me about their cars.

Thanks to all those that stopped for a look, we had an awesome response and many genuine enquiries.

Please follow our blog, we have lots more coming up this year.

To Hot To Handle

Even though Ashton didn't run all the stages he seemed pretty stoked with what he did get to do. His rally was interupted by brake pad failure and Ashton attempting to hot up his electric power steering with a second electric motor!

A few hassles came their way but Sunday they got in 4 stages running 18th - 19th overall.

Thanks to Yvonne Watson for this awesome picture, professional photographer???

We also would like to thank the Nelson Rally organisers for organising, building and running the super special stage at the showgrounds, this was a fantastic idea with some finetuning this will be as asset to our rally.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Rally Woes

When things go right its worth every penny but when things go wrong it really sucks!
Garry opted to service again this year leaving his own rally car in the shed to get down and dirty in the service parks. Well we would have liked the opportunity to get dirty but with an early retirement for the RX7 it wasnt to be.

A service after stage one, and a phone call after stage 2, we are out, they said, there was loud bang and immediately switched her off.

We packed everything up and trundled off up the road to the end of 2 and here was the RX7 and Ashtons BDA both parked up on the side of the road.

It turns out to be the oil filter. They worked here on site for about an hour, changing filters, by passing it, etc etc but it kept exploding.

Back at the workshop they pulled it apart, turns out the internals of the oil filter parted company and ended up stuck inside one of the oil galleries inside the engine. Resulting in about 200psi oil pressure!!!

The engine was scheduled for a rebuild, it will be fully stripped and back in the car for the Tunnicliffe sprint Sep 26.


Book your rollcage now and recieve a NEW RS Seat worth $360 FREE, with any full rollcage build.

All Rollcages are MSNZ Homologated and come with all paperwork and photos for you to simply forward to MSNZ.

Offer valid to 30 Nov 2010.

Quote Of The Week

Real success comes in small portions day by day. ~ Denis Waitley~

Preschool Ends Kindy Begins

Last Week was such a rush. On the family front the twins had their last day at Preschool on Tuesday and their first day at Kindergarten on Wednesday. Also after their 1st day at kindy they went to a new carer. She picks them up from Kindy 3 days a week and has them for 2 hours each of these days. This allows me to work from 9am till 2pm on these days.
So its been a huge week for us in changing schools and meeting lots of new children, adults and getting used to new surroundings, its quite a lot to take in for a 4yr old. They both did extremely well and are enjoying kindy. Sigh.... a big relief.
Work was a rush also, with deadlines leading up to the rally and arranging advertising, rushing around getting things finished and flyers to collect etc.
Everything came together and big thanks to Adrienne for our flyers, Mark "The signman" for an awesome display board and for getting all the drivers cars decals done in time for the rally.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

In The Workshop

Today in the workshop, Chris' RX7 in the foreground being prepared for the Nelson Rally, a couple of Escorts, an EVO in for a wheel alignment, Ashton Woods Escort now reassembled after the front was damaged last week, wheel alignment some signage applied and off to the rally. Ashton is seeded 36. Class C 2WD 1601cc & over.

Good luck to all the drivers, we hope the weather settles and you all have a good successful rally.

Rally Of Nelson

This weekend 21 22 August is the Rally of Nelson, hosted and promoted by the Nelson Car Club Inc. Fri 20th Aug: 6:30pm - 8pm Car Show at Wow carpark.
Spectator Area on Saturday is top of spooners range hill, turn right into "the lookout" the spectator area is a short distance up this road. 1st car due approx 9:10am.
See it all at Richmond Park Showgrounds: Sunday. 10am to 2pm for the super special stage and service park. Alltrax service crew will be there servicing for Chris Barnett in his RX7 (Class F) 2WD Classics.

On Display

Genuine RS1800 on display, this car will be leaving in the next couple of weeks. Don't miss out, viewing welcome.

Thursday Refreshments

Are you interested in viewing performance cars, talking cars, or just having some time out ... come and join us on Thursdays 5 to 7pm, we can arrange workshop tours and refreshments, RSVP to Brenda.

Starting Line

This was our twins last weekend. They got a whole lot of their favourite cars, trucks and monster trucks together, lined them up and then went on the search for a starting line. They found the yoyo, perfect, so they unwound it and layed it across in front of the cars. They played this game together for ages and made all the coolest engine noises and crashing noises. The imagination was amazing. Looks like they will follow their dads passion for cars.


The other week Jacob was invested into cubs. Apparantely thats what its called. He had to go for 3 sessions before he was aloud to "officially" join. He really loves being part of this group of kids and its the thing he looks forward to the most each week, so thats really cool. Hes got his first lot of badges which I need to sew onto his shirt, that will make him feel like the real thing! I'm so happy hes enjoying it so much as hes not really got into team sports and its been a challenge sometimes to think of things he can join or do that isnt sport. Our moto for him this year has been ~give things a go before saying no~ I think hes beginning to understand that trying new things can be a good thing.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Training Them Young

Heres our wee boys at the sink doing the dishes! I just couldnt resist taking this picture. They were so into doing the dishes and they didnt do to bad-a job either. Sharing the stool caused a few arguements however but eventually they sorted it out.

Black Beauty

With a fresh new paint job, our black ALLTRAX lease car is back in the workshop and on the assembly line. Will keep you updated with progress.

Trailer Casuality!

It always pays to check your load. Especially if its a rally car! A customer had an unfortunate experience when he arrived home to find his car had been driving itself into the trailer stoneguard, unbeknown to him of course. This caused some significant damage to the front end and with only days before the Nelson Rally. ALLTRAX have fixed it up and its now off to the painters. Look for it at the Rally, its the one with "MASPORT" on the bonnet!

Quote Of The Week

The greatest compliment that was ever paid me was when one asked me what I thought and attended to my answer. ~ Henry David Thoreau~


Last week I told you about my slow computer, turns out it definately wasnt operator error! My lovely computer guru Nigel at PC Systems came and took it away, cleaned it, talked nicely to it and brought it back and now its better than ever!! Thankyou Nigel, I didnt realise how long I had been patient with it, its just fabulous now its going at warp speed.....

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Go Slows

They are wonderful things when they do what you ask... PCs that is! Its so frustrating when you click the button and nothing happens. The silly thing takes 10mins to think about it and then goes about catching up with you. So my computer technician has been phoned and hopefully will be able to speed the old thing up again. Heres hoping!

Quote Of The Week

A year from now you will wish you had started today. ~ Karen Lamb~