Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Launch of Project 64

Thanks to everyone who made it along to support the launch of Project 64 at WOW (World of wearable art & classic cars museum) on Saturday night. Well done to the organisers, it was a fabulous evening. Here is a small taste of the unveiling and speeches. Photographs taken by Mike Wilson & Taylor Curtis. You can view more pictures available through the Project 64 facebook page or link to http://www.flickr.com/.

The Team

Rob Henderson and Neilson Hartley

Rob Henderson (Burt Munroe's grandson)

Friday, September 9, 2011

Mini unveiling Tomorrow at WOW

Be part of history, this is your chance to get involved and be part of helping Project 64 make it to Bonneville for World Speed Week 2012.
Get your tickets now for tomorrow nights unveiling at WOW. Tickets are $25 available at Cars R Us, 146 Rutherford St, Gourdie Automotive, 33 Waimea Rd or email projectsixtyfour@gmail.com you can also follow the progress on the car on facebook: http://www.facebook.com/ProjectSixtyFour

hope to see you there...

cakes, birthdays, beach and snow

On the family side of things August keep us quite busy. Finally getting all the kids through flu's etc (which consumed the July hols) Then 2 weeks into term Jake came down with the latest virus doing the rounds so had him off school for 9days total and even then he wasnt 100% but they are all back at school and are well...touch wood. August brings us many family and close friends birthdays, we had a family dinner for Pop (Garrys dad) and a chocolate cake for desert with those candles that keep relighting which was a hit with the kids but note: it fills your house with smoke. lol. Nana's (Garry's mum) birthday was celebrated with a shared morning tea at the ever popular Lions playground at Tahunanui beach. This was such a great choice as the kids loved it and the main playground had been completely refitted out with new equipment. We made Nana this butterfly cake. A bit rush rush to get it iced in time and not quite what I had intended it to look like but still tasted good.

The kids had been nagging at us to take them to the snow and it was looking like a good weekend ahead so we thought its now or never. What a fantastic day, the sun was shining, no wind, hot, fun and busy! We just mucked about sliding down the hill and making this cool as snow man. Which the kids "helped" make but most of all looked forward to demolishing!!! Poor Ed!