Thursday, July 29, 2010

Busy Busy Busy

Isn't this a lovely time of year, when you feel spring is just around the corner with spring bulbs beginning to flower and new lambs bouncing and playing in paddocks. I love this time of year. I've been busy mulching the vege patch, a bit of horse "poo" pea straw and chook compost, that should bring a good supply of juicy red strawberries for xmas. I've prunned all my roses which leaves the rest of my large garden to weed and mulch (don't know when that will happen!) But it feels good to look out the window and see some progress. The kids have been outside quite a bit enjoying our lovely weather and we even got out a huge beach ball which they had enormous fun with. I'm off for a girls weekend tomorrow and I can't wait!!! I'm getting in now as Garry has a really busy calendar coming up Aug, Sep, Oct and Nov with some lengthy trips away with clients on events. So its all go around here with events looming and cars needing to be prepared. Don't forget the Nelson Rally nearly here, I'm sorting out some giveaways and handouts for spectators on Sunday at the showgrounds special stage. Hope to see you there. Brenda.

Quote Of The Week

What happens is not as important as how you react to what happens.
~Thaddeus Golas~


This is an immaculate RS1800, Come and view its on display right now in our showroom. Dont forget we have Thirsty Thursday 5pm to 8pm come and talk cars and more, all welcome.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Quote of the Week

Nothing splendid has ever been achieved except by those who dared believe that something inside them was superior to circumstance ~ Bruce Barton~

Happy Birthday Pete

What do you get a friend for his 50th that has got everything? So I ploughed my way through photos weve collected over the past 10yrs and came up with the idea of this board its 1200 x 650mm on mdf and I've added some titles and quotes and photos of our 4x4 trips, his cars and kids etc. I was pretty pleased with the final product which was completed moments before his party!
Happy Birthday Peter.

From Brenda & Garry.


Our good friend Peter turned 50 this month. To celebrate he got family and friends together for a fun afternoon racing each other autocross style around a track he carved out on his farm. The "boys" competed best they could in some pretty beat up cars... escorts 1100 and 1300 and a datsun 120y and an old honda accord. Plenty of drifts (dirt style) , spins, a bit of drum hitting but luckily not much contact.
There were however plenty of mechanical issues: overheating(lots), exhausts coming off, bent steering arm (after hitting a tree stump) flat tyres, and the honda oil hose caught on fire! It was all in the name of fun. I even did a few laps and managed to miss the drums on the sweeper by the end of my turn. lol.
So happy birthday Pete, thanks for all the work you put into building the track and getting these cars going enough to complete a fun day.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

School Holiday Fun

The twins have still been attending preschool, but with Jacob off school I've been cramming in as much stuff around preschool hours. We went to see Toy Story 3 in 3D on Monday. Rhys & Kayne are 4yrs old and have really got into Buzz and Woody lately and they watch number 1 & 2 on DVD all the time. So with the new movie out I thought great, lets go. I just wish someone had warned me that it was quite scary. They had really "bad" toys in this one, real villians. The boys were really good throughout the movie and even kept their 3D glasses on the whole time. But when it came to bedtime that night I knew it was going to be a rough night. Yep you guessed it, we had Rhys in our bed from 1am onwards. Bad dreams! And AGAIN the next night. Last night was our 1st full night sleep this week, yea...

Other things we've done have been enjoying the frosty mornings, the boys all put on their gloves and hats and went stomping in the frost. Our dog "Rev" loves the crunchy grass.

Cooking marshmallows on the fire, well our inside fire I know its cheating a bit but the kids still enjoyed it while we all stayed warm. Not sure how kosha using a log burner is but hey we dont have an open fire!

Today if it doesnt rain we are going to pick up pine cones.

Looking Good

Garry has made enormous progress this week on the ALLTRAX Lease Escort in preparation for the 2010 Silver Fern Marathon Rally.

Jacob Scannell from Dorset UK leased it for the 2008 event and will be returning to do this great event again this year.

Watch this space, a new looking escort (with a fresh paint job) will feature here in the next couple of weeks.

Quote Of The Week

Give so much time to the improvement of yourself that you have no time to criticize others. ~ Christial D. Larson.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Thirsty Thursday

We now have a new office, showroom and smoko area. We warmly invite anyone interested in talking cars and more to call in on Thursdays 5pm - 8pm.

Family Time

Being the start of the school holidays and the fantastic weather we are presently having I took the kids to Rabbit Island. Meet up with a couple of girlfriends and their kids and had a fantastic day. The kids even splashed about (up to their knees) in the sea. We played some cricket with the older kids, not bad for the "oldie mums"!

Collected some shells & bits and pieces to take home and make into mobiles. What a great way to spend the first day of the holidays.

Quote of the week

You cannot plough a field by turning it over in your mind.