Friday, October 22, 2010

Targa New Zealand - "The Ultimate Road Race"

Targa New Zealand - "The Ultimate Road Race"

Taking Messages

Hi All,

The ALLTRAX team will be away on event next week.
23 Oct and will be returning to work 1 November.
If you have any enquiries/emails
Brenda will pass these onto Garry throughout the week.
Go to the link posted to follow Targa NZ.


Today the MK1 got plastered!
All stickered up with Targa sponsors and ALLTRAX logo.
The car leaves today to begin its journey to Auckland. Via transporter.
Garry and Keith leave tomorrow in the service van and drive up North to meet Peter and Neil (co driver)
We all wish Pete the best of luck and drive to get to the finish!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Waimate 50 Street Race

Waimate 50 Street Race

3 Different Cars! 3 Different Events!

DUNLOP TARGA NZ: 24 - 31 October

WAIMATE 50: 23 -24 October



ALLTRAX celebrated with friends and clients the opening of our new office / showroom.

We had a fabulous evening, with great food, great weather and great company.

A few spot prizes to be won including goods donated by Southfuels Spring Grove, Joyce Grant Mary Kay Products for Men and Women, WURTH, and ALLTRAX.

Aaron Graham (YOUNGS) was the lucky winner of some WURTH product.....LOL!

Garry and I would like to thank all those people who contributed in helping us reach this goal. So please call in and see us for a coffee, we now have a comfortable reception area where you can browze through your favourate car magazine.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010


In between goals is a thing called life that has to be lived and enjoyed ~ Sid Caesar~

Cake, Movies and Another Year Older

They just keep rolling around and you can't do anything about it!

Its great having kids, they remind you to enjoy life, the more birthdays the better as far as they are concerned. I went all out and cooked a roast chicken meal with lemon meringue pudding and then a chocolate log birthday cake!
Happy Birthday Garry.

We got shouted out to the movies and the kids went to Nana and Pops for the night. It was lovely to have a night out.

Other Family Stuff

School Holiday Fun, some face painting...

A sport supporter

A vampire

and a mimer.

We had a few windy days over the holidays which was perfect for kite flying, Rhys nearly got lifted off his feet a couple of times but he thought it was awesome.

A weekend at Pohara with perfect weather, we spent lots of time bike riding which really boosted the kids confidence. We decided that Jake really needed a new bike (as Rhys is riding his old one) it turned out to be the best decision as he really loves it and all he wanted to do for the weekend was ride it. Kayne hasnt shown any interest in learning to ride a bike so we borrowed a trail gaitor and strapped it onto the back of my bike and towed him. It took a wee bit of encouraging but he got the hang of it pretty quick. Rhys was right in his element and we just couldnt hold him back, Jake and Rhys were off racing each other along the track. My sister came for the weekend with us and we all had such a great break away. Just what we all needed.

Spring Time

Time has flown by and we've been so busy with work and new additions on the farm that I just havnt had a chance to put it all on the blog.

Here are some pics of our new arrivals this spring.

Firstly we got our "class of eight" (chooks that is!)

Anconas, whynedots, barnefelders, sussex, leghorns........

They are all heritage breeds, from a local breeder here in Nelson.

Yes they all have names, thats the fun of them all being different colours.

Jacobs = Princess Laya, Rhys'= Maisy, Kaynes=Jessie, Mine=Buffy, Garry's= Slash, Issacs=Poppy, Nana=Gwinney, Grandad=Billy.

The kids are still fighting over who gets the eggs each day, and its almost 2 months since we got them! Its neat that the novelty hasnt worn off yet.

Its nice to finally have chooks scratching about, its been on the to do list for ages. Farm Fresh EGGS are fabulous, and we never run out.

Our second additions are these 2 cuties....

Jacob and Nana named them "bunty" and "Tipet"

They are the cutest things. They are now drinking straight out of a bucket, twice a day which Jake helps with. 8am and 6pm. Hes totally into it!


Jake and Nina had a baby girl on the 4th October.

We are so happy for you on the safe and healthy arrival of your precious new baby girl "Georgia"

We can't wait to see some pictures, please bring heaps with you Jake when you come to NZ in November.

This is a card I have made to send you (will have something in the post soon)

Love to you all.