Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Spring Time

Time has flown by and we've been so busy with work and new additions on the farm that I just havnt had a chance to put it all on the blog.

Here are some pics of our new arrivals this spring.

Firstly we got our "class of eight" (chooks that is!)

Anconas, whynedots, barnefelders, sussex, leghorns........

They are all heritage breeds, from a local breeder here in Nelson.

Yes they all have names, thats the fun of them all being different colours.

Jacobs = Princess Laya, Rhys'= Maisy, Kaynes=Jessie, Mine=Buffy, Garry's= Slash, Issacs=Poppy, Nana=Gwinney, Grandad=Billy.

The kids are still fighting over who gets the eggs each day, and its almost 2 months since we got them! Its neat that the novelty hasnt worn off yet.

Its nice to finally have chooks scratching about, its been on the to do list for ages. Farm Fresh EGGS are fabulous, and we never run out.

Our second additions are these 2 cuties....

Jacob and Nana named them "bunty" and "Tipet"

They are the cutest things. They are now drinking straight out of a bucket, twice a day which Jake helps with. 8am and 6pm. Hes totally into it!

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