Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Turning 40

I read somewhere that forty is the old age of youth and fifty is the youth of old age. So I guess that puts me somewhere in the middle. mid life crisis here I come! The great thing about reaching another decade is that you get tremendously spoilt! No big surprises which was good just lots of time with friends and family and loved ones. I am truly thankful to be here to enjoy this time it makes me appreciate what I have.
On my big day I had 2 sick kids home from school, my lovely mum looked after them and my girlfriend took me to town for the day. Just devine....no deadlines just a day out with my best friend. We shopped had lunch shopped some more and then we had an hour long full body massage. WOW I do recommed this if you have never had one it was just luxurious. Afterwards we retired to the relaxing lounge to enjoy a glass of champers and brownie and chatted until 6pm (when they closed) then it was home to our families.
A couple of days later I met 2 girlfriends for lunch, they had both gave me hand made gifts which reflect their personalities perfectly....thanks girls, luv ya.
Last weekend my lovely husband arranged childcare for the whole weekend and we went on a 48hr retreat. Treated ourselves to rest, sleep, a good book, good food and walks on the beach. It was so relaxing.
So I'm back with my feet on the ground but have still got a really good sounding voucher to use from my big sis and best friend. Its to walk part of the Able Tasman Track, one night included. On my wish list I had: to walk the Heaphy Track (4 - 5 days tramp) which hopefully one day I will get to do. But I cant wait to head off to the able tasman, with those two I know we will have a blast! Thanks everybody for making my day really special, I love you all very much. xxx
PS the pictures are me and 2 girlfriends out for lunch. The room we had our massages in. Me and my best friend.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Jag Restoration

This ones an E Type Jaguar.

Just starting on the bonnet repairs with the rest of the body arriving shortly for new floors, sills and exterior panel work etc. These photos show the new patches Garry has rolled up in the English Wheel, welded in and hammered up.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Something to Ponder On Today

The most important thing in life is to stop saying "I wish" and start saying "I will". Consider nothing impossible, then treat possibilities as probabilities.

Solo Retreat

Sometimes you just need some time alone.....I was proud of my man taking off on a solo road trip, just to get away and have some time out. A very good friend offered his West Coast Bach to him for a night and he packed the essentials into a backpack strapped it to his motorbike and off he went. Here are some pictures he took on his "solo retreat"

Better Late than never

April School Holidays were pretty much consumed with the twins 5th birthday....see previous postings. But we did manage to get some other stuff done like: Baking Hot Cross Buns, WOW they are so yummmmmmy when they are fresh and hot from the oven, and as this was my first ever attempt I was pretty pleased with how they turned out. Its quite a long procedure (approx 2 hrs) but now I can say I've done that!

Garry, his dad and my dad together made this awesome tree hut for the kids. Its been on "my" to do list for ages and the time was right to get it under way. Garry had to first tackle the tree as it was way to big for our garden and was shading the natives below. So most of that came down leaving the 3 large limbs as the platform for the hut. It took a full day to assemble and attach the hut in place and all we need now is a big slide so its easier for the kids to exit.

We have always wanted to try out the Hackett track (up the Aniseed Valley) and thought that the kids were probably old enough to do part of it. We hadn't been there ourselves so wern't too sure on its suitability for the little kids. Anyway we headed off (note the signpost) don't you find thats its always exciting and easier getting to an unknown destination than it is to turn around once you get there and walk ALL THE WAY BACK. Don't get me wrong we loved it but it was probably a bit much to expect from a 5yr old x 2. We got there and back though and the Wispering Falls were definately worth the winging, protests and the "can you lift me ups"!!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Jensen Interceptor

This Jensen is here for us to complete a major body and chassis rebuild. By the time it is finished Gavin will have replaced most of the floors and substructures as well as all external panels except for the roof which will also require rust repair in the front corners. We will be taking this project through to top coat preparation.

Kindergarten Visits ALLTRAX

The boys got an awesome send off from Kindergarden with a trip to a Welsh Pony farm then they all came here to tour the workshop and see some race cars. As there were 40 kids and 15+ adults we divided into groups and Garry did a demo on changing a tyre, Gavin shaped some panel steel and I gave them turns sitting in a raceseat and 5point seatbelt and they got to look underneith a car. Its just amazing watching their reactions as they see things for the first time. Garry then took one of the kindy teachers for a skid in the Escort around our paddock while we all looked on. It was a fantastic morning. I made over 40 car cookies iced detail and pebbles for wheels and they each got a nut and bolt. Such little things but the feedback has been incredible.

Off To School

Our boys are 5 and off to school. Hard to believe we have reached this milestone and all in one piece! Kayne and Rhys have grown so much in the last 6 months, showing more confidience and learning their names and some numbers and words. Yes they were ready and excited. They have a lovely class with 16 children in total. This week they asked to come home on the school bus which they did and loved it.

Jacob Turns 9

Based on the Star Wars Theme. Invitations were sent asking for the Jedi's to meet at the Grant Galaxy. Featuring Jakes favourite character "General Grevious" a mean looking creature with 4 robotic arms and 4 sabers. We had fun and games including saber duels, eating hanging donuts with hands tied behind backs, ten pin bowling and mini golf.

The cake was based on the volcano scene from Episode 3.
Yoda soda drinks. (lime icecream sodas) We all had heaps of fun and Kayne (4yrs) even got a STRIKE at bowling.


South Canterbury driver Hayden Paddon (Subaru) has won the 2011 Rally New Zealand
event, which was run over the past weekend on the gravel back roads of the southern
Franklin and Raglan areas, but in a surprise to many, two 35 year old Historic Rally cars
have finished in the top six placings overall.
Taking fifth spot overall, and first two wheel drive car home, were Kaiapoi’s Brian Stokes
and Ally Mackay in a 1978 Ford Escort RS1800, with fellow Cantabrian’s Marcus Van Klink
and Dave Neill (1980 Group B Mazda RX7) a mere 2.6 seconds behind in sixth overall.
Coming into the final 4.6km special stage around the Hampton Downs race track, the
pairings were matching each others times, but it was “Klinky” who admitted to having a
few nervous moments along the way. “Today we were trying real hard to catch Brian
(Stokes) and there were a couple of times when we were just a little over the limit, and I
had to back off the pace bit after “woops” was clearly communicated inside the car.”
Stokes and Van Klink also took out the top two placing’s in the Rally NZ Historic section,
and were followed by former Rally NZ Directors, both who have returned to Historic
rallying in recent years, Rob Wylie (Auckland) in a Nissan 240RS and Hamilton’s Gary Smith
in a Ford Escort RS1800.
Smith’s event was slowed in the early stages with a gear selector issue, which necessitated
two gearbox changes on the Saturday, while Wylie had his issues today (Sunday) hitting a
rock, damaging the rear of the car and breaking a wheel rim. In fact Wylie said “we actually
hit the same rock both times through Whaanga Coast (the stage was run on two occasions)
but we did it at the right place as the TV crew phoned later to say they have our bumper!”.
Brian Stokes Ford Escort RS1800 Marcus Van Klink Mazda RX7