Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Turning 40

I read somewhere that forty is the old age of youth and fifty is the youth of old age. So I guess that puts me somewhere in the middle. mid life crisis here I come! The great thing about reaching another decade is that you get tremendously spoilt! No big surprises which was good just lots of time with friends and family and loved ones. I am truly thankful to be here to enjoy this time it makes me appreciate what I have.
On my big day I had 2 sick kids home from school, my lovely mum looked after them and my girlfriend took me to town for the day. Just devine....no deadlines just a day out with my best friend. We shopped had lunch shopped some more and then we had an hour long full body massage. WOW I do recommed this if you have never had one it was just luxurious. Afterwards we retired to the relaxing lounge to enjoy a glass of champers and brownie and chatted until 6pm (when they closed) then it was home to our families.
A couple of days later I met 2 girlfriends for lunch, they had both gave me hand made gifts which reflect their personalities perfectly....thanks girls, luv ya.
Last weekend my lovely husband arranged childcare for the whole weekend and we went on a 48hr retreat. Treated ourselves to rest, sleep, a good book, good food and walks on the beach. It was so relaxing.
So I'm back with my feet on the ground but have still got a really good sounding voucher to use from my big sis and best friend. Its to walk part of the Able Tasman Track, one night included. On my wish list I had: to walk the Heaphy Track (4 - 5 days tramp) which hopefully one day I will get to do. But I cant wait to head off to the able tasman, with those two I know we will have a blast! Thanks everybody for making my day really special, I love you all very much. xxx
PS the pictures are me and 2 girlfriends out for lunch. The room we had our massages in. Me and my best friend.

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