Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Gala, FunDay, Wacky Hair , Painting & boxing

ALLTRAX got involved in this years Wakefield School Twilight Gala with a silent auction to win a ride in the MK2 Escort and a balloon guess in the mini cooper. It seemed to create a bit of interest especially when we arrived with the cars as the Gala started....... driving in the main gates and parking on the court. Some very excited children soon gathered around. Many adults showed interest in the Mini Coopers appearance wanting to learn more about Projectsixtyfour and what it is about.

Nelson 4x4 Club had a Fun Day outing out Motueka way, even though we didn't have our jeep to compete in it didn't stop us from going. The kids are always going on and on about off roading so when Guy asked us if we wanted to go for a look we packed a picnic lunch and headed over and met up with the club. The kids counted about 26 trucks in total! What a terrific turn out, just like rally hill climbs used to be not so long ago!!! Quite a few challenges were enjoyed for those competing and watching.

Last week we had a Wacky Hair Day at school to raise money for a new St John Ambo, this is the first time I've had to do 3 coloured wacky hair do's before school, but they all enjoyed it even me pulling and twisting at their hair. The boys hair was "tame" compared to some of the kids at school, xmas baubles, tinsel, marshmallows, wire, wigs, branches.......just use your imagination.

Noel our lovely retired (lol) builder/painter has been back this month to complete painting the exterior of our house (that we started back in April I think) hes done everything except the back wall as we are going to re clad this with some alterations. It is such a great feeling to have a clean, weather proof house especially when I didn't have to get out MY paint brush! Actually next week I have to cause theres still blue tape on some windows that I have to paint. Inside. Sigh.

Also around the yard we have begun our small block of sheds (for the house, NOT cars) which will also accommodate a workshop toilet. My brother is doing this for us, slow progress but in the spare time....when ever that is.

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